Make your own charms to attract money

There are situations when there is not enough money in life. Then you can try to make charms to attract money. There are a few of them, and they all work differently. Such charms should always be carried with you. Then he will always act. It's easy to make it yourself, but for this you need to act exactly according to instructions. Also, you must believe that the charm will work. If you do not believe in such things, then you will not succeed. How to make a talisman to attract money with your own hands? Now you will know about it.

money bag as a good luck charm photo 1


This charm is one of the most famous. For it to work, there must always be a coin in it. In addition, it must be made of the following metals:

  • copper;
  • cupronickel;
  • silver;
  • gold;
  • steel.

In ancient times it was believed only gold could be used, now people believe that any metal can be used. The bag must contain at least one coin of the metals listed above.

How to make a charm to attract money in the form of a bag? For the foundation, it is better to use natural fabrics. You can buy it in the store or sew it yourself. For the amulet to work, it must be done on a full moon. The bag must be completely filled with coins. It is best to do this on the windowsill so that natural light falls. Each coin should be held slightly in your hand, then it will absorb your energy. All money must be lubricated with eucalyptus oil. The procedure should take place very slowly, and in the end need to read a special plot. After you have finished inserting the coin, tie the bag neatly and place a few drops of eucalyptus oil on the knot.

handmade money bags

fiat banknotes

Non -exchangeable banknotes are another incredible charm. It is believed to be very effective. In this case, it is better to use any large bills. The small one should not be used, as it can only attract small money. This bill should be kept and not spent under any circumstances.

The question arises: how to make regular banknotes your savings? To do this, you need to take it. Let’s say you are given a large sum of money or money along with a new wallet for your birthday. This is the type of banknote you can take.

It should always be with you, but located in another wallet compartment. Banknotes should not come into contact with other money. It’s best to put it in your wallet during the early months, letting it lie in the moonlight first. Then the charms will start to act and increase your income. Maybe after a while you will have a new source of income.

charm pendant to attract money

Add money

You can not only use charms to attract money. They can be recruited in other ways as well. Adding money is a very interesting way. With that, you can significantly improve your financial situation. To do this, you need metal coins of various denominations. They should be put in pots with soil, and plants should be planted there. It can be geranium, cactus or marigold. The more actively the flower grows, the more income you will earn.

Number 8

Charms to attract money can be quite unusual. For example, as everyone knows, the number 8 means infinity. This also applies to money. So you can choose any talisman, but the main thing is that it is associated with the number 8. You can also use banknotes whose number contains this number. Preferably it is at the beginning or end.

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ten diamonds

These playing cards are also charms that carry money. It must always be carried with you. Important feature - cards must be taken from the unopened deck. It should also be treated with basil and bergamot oil. You should always keep this charm in your wallet.


Coins are powerful charms to attract money that appear in China. You need to take a few pieces and drill small holes in them. Through them you have to push the ribbon. It is desirable that it be red and silky. This charm is very powerful. It can be hung on the wall, but it is better to place it in a place that will not be visible to anyone except you.

horseshoe as a talisman to attract money

Feather balls attract money

Feather balls are also a powerful charm for attracting money. How to make them? You can make your own charms easily, and it will bring a lot of income. For this you need some coins. You will also need to use banknotes, the series of which at least partially matches your initials, the numbers must also match the date of birth. For example, if you were born on June 15, then it is good if 1506 or at least only 15 are found in the bill number.

Take the piece of paper and wrap it with red wool thread. As a result, you should get the ball. The ends of the thread must be tied so that they do not unravel. To increase energy, you can lubricate it with lemon oil or cinnamon. The color red itself increases financial energy. As you wind up the yarn, think about how your wealth will increase. Do it slowly, imagine in your head. Such a ball is best hung at the entrance to the apartment.

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The dangers of saving money

Charms to attract money and good luck cannot be bought anywhere. It is better to do it yourself. They absorb the energy of the people who make it. Therefore, the charm you buy can only work halfway. When buying a talisman, you will have no guarantee that it is of high quality and made according to a special ceremony. Then it will be a beautiful little thing that can serve as a decoration.

There are ways to avoid such a situation - you can order a certain product from a goldsmith, and charge it yourself. Then it will work perfectly for you.

As you can see, anyone can make their own money charms. For it to work, you have to believe in its power. The object feels it. To charge an amulet with energy, often it has to be done in the moonlight. He is the one who fills them with power. Remember that money is very fond of accounts. So while shopping at checkout, don’t be shy and count them. If the cashier makes a mistake with the change, return the excess to him. Money loves honesty. You can also hang horseshoes at home. He will bring luck and money. By following these rules, you will be able to attract wealth and money.

Now you know how to make charms to attract your own money. How to make a charm to attract your own money, we tell in this article. You can start making it, because it’s pretty easy to do. Wealth and luck for you!